Author: Nicolai Gideon
More on the Tweet Button
A couple of plugins for wordpress, that will allow you to have a tweet button displayed on your posts, have been released.
You can read more about it HERE.
The Tweet Button
Twitter has launched the Tweet button which can be installed on any website, including on WordPress. You will find a Twitter button in the right side of this site.
For more info, check out
Also – I’ve installed the plugin “Tweetly Updater” for WordPress, which allows me to automatically get my new posts in WordPress sent over to my Twitter feed. For all WordPress users – go check it out!
iOS 4 & WordPress
Patriarchal Paschal Encyclical 2010 from Irenej, Patriarch of Serbia
The Bright Resurrection of Christ, Troparion. Tone V —
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling on death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life.
Kontakion, Tone VIII —
Though Thou didst descend into the grave, O Immortal One, yet didst Thou destroy the power of hell, and didst rise again as Conqueror, O Christ our God, saying to the myrrhbearing women, Rejoice! and giving peace to Thine Apostles, and offering to the fallen resurrection.
Troparion —
O great and holiest Passover, Christ! O Wisdom, Word and Power of God! Grant that we may more perfectly partake of Thee in the unending Day of Thy Kingdom.
Exaposieilarion —
Having slept in the flesh as a mortal, O King and Lord, Thou didst rise on the third day. Thou didst raise up Adam from corruption and abolish death, O Passover of incorruption, Salvation of the world!
Kontakion —
Though Thou didst descend into the grave, O Immortal One, yet didst Thou destroy the power of hell, and didst rise again as Conqueror, O Christ our God, saying to the myrrbearing women, Rejoice! And giving peace to Thine Apostles, and offering to the fallen resurrection.
Troparia —
In the grave bodily, in hell with the soul as God, in Paradise with the thief, and on the throne with the Father and the Spirit wast Thou Who fillest all things, O Christ the Infinite.
Pictures from our celebrations
no images were found
I have just moved my site from one web hotel to another. Quite an endeavor, since I practically know nothing about sql databases. It caused me just a little headache for a few days, but as of today, the site is back up and running, just like before!
Jeg har just flyttet mit site fra et web hotel til et nyt. Lidt af en bedrift, eftersom jeg faktisk ikke ved noget om sql databaser. Det gav lidt hovedpine i et par dage, men fra og med i dag, er sitet oppe at køre igen, ligesom før!
Foredrag af Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) af Pergamon

For nogle år siden oversatte jeg en tekst, som er en gengivelse af et foredrag holdt af Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) af Pergamon. Jeg har besluttet at gøre den danske oversættelse tilgængelig her.
Den oprindelige tekst kan findes på Orthodox Research Institute.
God læselyst!
Podsafe Radio
Not too long ago I made a demo “radio show” for my students in the school where I work and teach about media. The show is in Danish. You can hear the result here.
Show Notes
Links to the music featured in this show:
- echoed – 56 Messages
- Love Shadow – The Reason
- Scomber – Since I’ve Been Loving You Pellas
- Jacinda Espinosa – The White Cube (Kyrie Eleison)
- Internal Faith Relation – Lazarus (Act 1 + 2)
- Colab – It Mattered To Me
Everything is mixed in GarageBand. Alternatively you may want to use the open source application Audacity.
Theophany of our Lord, Troparion, Tone I —
When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan,/ the worship of the Trinity was made manifest;/ for, the voice of the Father bare witness unto Thee,/ calling Thee His beloved Son;/ and the Spirit in the form of a dove/ confirmed the certainty of His word./ O Christ our God, Who hast appeared and enlightened the worlds,// glory be to Thee!
Kontakion, Tone IV —
Thou hast appeared today to the whole world,/ and Thy light, O Lord, hath been signed upon us/ who hymn Thee with understanding./ Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared,/ the Light unapproachable.