Author: Nicolai Gideon
Three books I’d like to get hold of…
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From the good old days…

Happy New Year

According to the Gregorian revised calendar, the Church New Year was a couple of days ago.
On this occation Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has sent out a message to all orthodox christians.
»As we come again to the changing of the Church year, we reflect once more on the state of God’s creation. We think about the past and repent for all that we have done or failed to do for the earth’s care; we look to the future and pray for wisdom to guide us in all that we think or do.«
Blogger import and æøå
I just tried importing all my posts from the blog “Gideon’s Skriblerier” over at blogger.com. It all went well! Even images were brought into this blog. However, the titles of the blogposts, some of which were in Danish, seemed very strange. The Northern Germanic letters æ, ø and å were not visible in the title. There simply just wasn’t anything there. The author of the theme (which I like very much, by the way, thank you) has been given a notice.
Now with pictures!

WP here we come…
Back to work 2009-2010

Hello world!
Denne serbiske dokumentar fortæller historien, som ikke er blevet hørt, vist eller søgt i de gængse medier i løbet af krigene på Balkan i 1990’erne. Mange af de krigsforbrydere, som ses her, er ikke blevet retsforfulgt ved krigsforbryderdomstolen.
Engelske undertekster.