Happy 2010

Happy 2010 with the following podcast of fr. John Finley – a poetic collection of dictums of late Fr. Alexander Schmemann, all describing the orthodox vision of the Holy Eucharist, from which we draw our life:

Way of the Ascetics

Monastery of Meteora
Monastery of Meteora

The “Way of the Ascetics” is an introduction to the narrow way that leads to life. It is a simple yet profound exposition of the spiritual life taught by the Orthodox Church for two thousand years. It is a portal to the vast spiritual experience of the desert fathers, and an insight into the spiritual lives of the saints. Reminiscent of the Ladder of St. John Climacus, “Way of the Ascetics” compells us to again begin the struggle to climb away from the world to the Kingdom of Heaven

In our era of new-age spirituality and homemade religion, the simple patristic style of this work is consoling. In our age of spiritual naivet.

Get the book from here!

Happy New Year

+ BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople
+ BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople

According to the Gregorian revised calendar, the Church New Year was a couple of days ago.

On this occation Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has sent out a message to all orthodox christians.

»As we come again to the changing of the Church year, we reflect once more on the state of God’s creation. We think about the past and repent for all that we have done or failed to do for the earth’s care; we look to the future and pray for wisdom to guide us in all that we think or do.«

Read the full message.

Patriark Pavles Påskeepistel 2009

Den Serbiske Orthodoxe Kirke til hendes åndelige børn, Påsken 2009


Af Guds nåde

Orthodox Ærkebiskop af Pec, Metropolit af Beograd-Karlovci og Serbisk Patriark, med alle den Serbiske Orthodoxe Kirkes Hierarker – til hele præsteskabet, munkene, og alle vor Kirkes sønner og døtre: Nåde, barmhjertighed og fred fra Gud, Faderen og vor Herre Jesus Kristus og den Hellige Ånd med den glade Påskehilsen:


“Lad os kalde selv dem, der hader os, ‘Brødre’
og tilgive dem ved opstandelsen.”

(Påske hymne) Continue reading “Patriark Pavles Påskeepistel 2009”