Demokratyraniets sejrsgang

I går nakkede de Gaddafi. Billeder af en hjælpeløs såret mand, omringet af sine modstandere kom på nettet og vi kunne nu se, at denne gang var der ikke bare tale om rygter. De havde fanget ham. Hårdt såret. Spillet var slut. De oprørte masser havde vundet. Og så nakkede de ham! Continue reading “Demokratyraniets sejrsgang”

Here’s to the crazy ones

In 1997, Steve Jobs recorded the speech for Apple’s then new campaign to come back on a market, where they had more or less become side tracked. Essentially, more than he probably then realized, he was talking about himself. Here’s what he said: Continue reading “Here’s to the crazy ones”

Giv den gas, kloge børn

Nu skal kloge børn tilsyneladende have konsulentbistand1, fordi deres hverdag er for udfordret i det danske skolesystem. Det er både en lettelse og en erklæring af egen fallit. En lettelse, fordi det endelig bliver medgivet at det danske skolesystem, i bund og grund, er skruet sammen med henblik på laveste fællesnævner (og hvilken fællesnævner!), hvor man har mere travlt med at sørge for, at ingen sakker bagud af dansen, end at den enkelte elev har mulighed for at udfolde sig i henhold til sine evner. Continue reading “Giv den gas, kloge børn”

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Western Cultural Imperialism is alive and kicking!

Yesterday I saw a Danish explorer, Troels Kløvedal, visiting a far off exotic place. In the course of the conversation with the other Danish person, who lived and worked there, a story was told about a man, who plotted a murder against a rival of his. This man and his conspirators were eventually convicted and received punishment. In conclusion, the two Danes stated that they had been dealt fairly with, “the way we understand it”. Continue reading “Western Cultural Imperialism is alive and kicking!”

Pentecost – Holy Trinity Sunday

Pentecost, Troparion, Tone VIII —
Blessed art Thou, Christ our God, Who didst make the fishermen wise by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit, and through them didst draw the world into Thy net. Lover of men, glory to Thee.

Koniakion, Tone VIII —
When the Most High came down and confused the tongues, He divided the nations, but when He distributed the tongues of fire, He called all to unity. And with one accord we glorify the All-Holy Spirit.

Jobs has seriously begun thinking different

The founder of Apple Computer has done it again. He has come up with something that truly owes him the right to the slogan the company was promoting back in the 90’s, “Think Different.”

He is now planning to build, perhaps the largest office building in the world in Apple home town, Cupertino – a building, shaped like a circle, which will be housing some 12,000 employees.

Whether the photo below is a snapshot of Mr. Jobs working on an early sketch in his office, we don’t know. However, we could not help being tempted for a moment to think it might be.

Below you will see Mr. Jobs addressing the city council of Cupertino, presenting his and his company’s future plans.

We are looking forward to seeing the outcome of the endeavor!

Ascension of our Lord

Ascension of the Lord, Troparion, Tone IV —
Thou didst ascend into glory, O Christ our God, having gladdened Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. And this blessing convinced them that Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

Kontakion, Tone VI —
Having accomplished for us Thy mission and united things on earth with things in heaven, Thou didst ascend into glory, O Christ our God, being nowhere separated from those who love Thee, but remaining everpresent with us and calling: I am with you and no one is against you.

Listen to Fr. Thomas rejoicing in the enthronement of the crucified One, raised and glorified:


With this, the Paschal season has come to an end for this year.

Uploading files to WordPress

For a long time, now, I have struggled with getting around to changing the file size that WordPress allows you to upload – or, rather, that your php-server allows you to upload. There are so many howto-posts and videos out there, but for some reason nothing has seemed to work. Not until now. Today I found a site with the relevant help (for my server to react, anyway), so I am posting the link here for anyone who might be encountering similar difficulties. Good luck!

Maximum File Size for Uploads In WordPress 2.5, 1and1 Web Hosting

Holy Apostle James

Today the Holy Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Apostle James, who, according to Tradition rests in Santiago de Compostela.

Holy Apostle James, the Brother of St. John the Theologian, Troparion, Tone III —
O holy apostle James/ entreat the merciful God// that He grant to our souls remission of transgressions.

Or this troparion, in the same tone —
Thou wast a chosen apostle of Christ/ and the only brother of the beloved Theologian,/ O most lauded James./ Ask thou remission of sins for those who hymn thee,// and great mercy for our souls.

Kontakion, Tone II: “Seeking the highest…” —
Hearing the voice of God calling thee,/ thou didst disdain the love of thy father,/ and with thy kinsman thou didst hasten after Christ, O glorious James./ And with him thou wast counted worthy to behold// the divine transfiguration of the Lord.